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Each obspack file has a header with metadata and this function reads selected fields from the metadata and add them as columns. This new columns are used later to be filtered


  categories = "flask",
  expr = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  n_site_code = 15,
  n_site_latitude = 18,
  n_site_longitude = 19,
  n_site_name = 15,
  n_site_country = 18,
  n_dataset_project = 21,
  n_lab = 16,
  n_scales = 31,
  n_site_elevation = 20,
  n_altitude_comment = 22,
  n_utc = 18,
  fill_value = -1e+34,
  as_list = FALSE





character; ONE category : of c("aircraft-pfp", "aircraft-insitu", "surface-insitu", "tower-insitu", "aircore", "surface-pfp", "shipboard-insitu", "flask").


String expressions to filter data.table internally


Logical to show more information


number of characters extratced from metadata after search


number of characters extracted from metadata after search


number of characters extracted from metadata after search


number of characters extracted from metadata after search


number of characters extracted from metadata after search


number of characters extracted from metadata after search


number of characters extracted from metadata after search


number of characters extracted from metadata after search


number of characters extracted from metadata after search


number of characters extracted from metadata after search


number of characters extracted from metadata after search


fill value. Appeared in aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid.txt


Logical to return as list


A data.frame with with an index obspack.


The identification of the altitude and type is critical. The approach used here consists of: 1. Identify agl from the name of the tile. 2. If magl not present, search dill_values used in elevation and transform them into NA (not available) 3. If magl is not present, agl = altitude - elevation 4. If there are some NA in elevation, will result some NA in agl 5. A new column is added named `altitude_final` to store agl or asl 6. Another column named `type_altitude` is added to identify "magl" or "masl" 7. If there is any case NA in `altitude_final`, `type_altitude` is "not available"

Then, the relationship with hysplit is:

not availablef-PBL


# Do not run
obs <- system.file("data-raw", package = "rtorf")
index <- obs_summary(obs)
dt <- obs_read(index)
obs_read(index, expr = "altitude_final == '5800'")
#> Number of files of index: 1
#>           sector     N
#>           <char> <int>
#> 1:         flask     1
#> 2: Total sectors     1
#> Detected 0 files with agl
#> Detected 1 files without agl
#> Searching flask...
#> 1: ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid.txt
#> Searching flask...
#> 1: ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid.txt
#>       year month   day  hour minute second       time start_time midpoint_time
#>      <int> <int> <int> <int>  <int>  <int>      <int>      <int>         <int>
#>   1:  2011     2    16     2     17     30 1297822650 1297822440    1297822650
#>   2:  2011     2    16     2     26     30 1297823190 1297822980    1297823190
#>   3:  2011     2    16     2     33     30 1297823610 1297823400    1297823610
#>   4:  2011     2    16     2     40     30 1297824030 1297823820    1297824030
#>   5:  2011     2    16     2     47     30 1297824450 1297824240    1297824450
#>  ---                                                                          
#> 226:  2019     3    14     2     15     30 1552529730 1552529520    1552529730
#> 227:  2019     3    14     2     22     30 1552530150 1552529940    1552530150
#> 228:  2019     5    15     5     10     30 1557897030 1557896820    1557897030
#> 229:  2019     9     4     7     54     30 1567583670 1567583460    1567583670
#> 230:  2020     3    10     6     42     30 1583822550 1583822340    1583822550
#>      time_decimal      value nvalue latitude longitude altitude elevation
#>             <num>      <num>  <int>    <num>     <num>    <num>     <num>
#>   1:     2011.126 1.8464e-06      1   34.429   141.037     5800  -999.999
#>   2:     2011.126 1.8428e-06      1   34.058   141.830     5800  -999.999
#>   3:     2011.126 1.8502e-06      1   33.770   142.447     5800  -999.999
#>   4:     2011.126 1.8477e-06      1   33.480   143.052     5800  -999.999
#>   5:     2011.126 1.8393e-06      1   33.162   143.708     5800  -999.999
#>  ---                                                                     
#> 226:     2019.198 1.9945e-06      1   33.249   143.529     5800  -999.999
#> 227:     2019.198 1.9745e-06      1   32.885   144.267     5800  -999.999
#> 228:     2019.368 1.8902e-06      1   24.819   152.060     5800  -999.999
#> 229:     2019.675 1.8798e-06      1   24.327   152.091     5800  -999.999
#> 230:     2020.189 1.9433e-06      1   24.885   151.834     5800  -999.999
#>      intake_height qcflag method unique_sample_location_num obs_flag obs_num
#>              <num>  <int>  <int>                      <int>    <int>   <int>
#>   1:      -999.999      1     18                    8768042        1       1
#>   2:      -999.999      1     18                    8767980        1       2
#>   3:      -999.999      1     18                    8767880        1       3
#>   4:      -999.999      1     18                    8767781        1       4
#>   5:      -999.999      1     18                    8767708        1       5
#>  ---                                                                        
#> 226:      -999.999      1     18                    8767761        1    2278
#> 227:      -999.999      1     18                    8767655        1    2279
#> 228:      -999.999      1     18                    8766225        1    2339
#> 229:      -999.999      1     18                    8765601        1    2441
#> 230:      -999.999      1     18                   44498114        1    2573
#>      obspack_num
#>            <int>
#>   1:     5536255
#>   2:     5536256
#>   3:     5536257
#>   4:     5536258
#>   5:     5536259
#>  ---            
#> 226:     5538532
#> 227:     5538533
#> 228:     5538593
#> 229:     5538695
#> 230:     5538827
#>                                                                                   obspack_id
#>                                                                                       <char>
#>   1: obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v4.0_2021-10-14~ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid~5536255
#>   2: obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v4.0_2021-10-14~ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid~5536256
#>   3: obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v4.0_2021-10-14~ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid~5536257
#>   4: obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v4.0_2021-10-14~ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid~5536258
#>   5: obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v4.0_2021-10-14~ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid~5536259
#>  ---                                                                                        
#> 226: obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v4.0_2021-10-14~ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid~5538532
#> 227: obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v4.0_2021-10-14~ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid~5538533
#> 228: obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v4.0_2021-10-14~ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid~5538593
#> 229: obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v4.0_2021-10-14~ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid~5538695
#> 230: obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v4.0_2021-10-14~ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid~5538827
#>                                        name sector site_code
#>                                      <char> <char>    <char>
#>   1: ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid.txt  flask       AOA
#>   2: ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid.txt  flask       AOA
#>   3: ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid.txt  flask       AOA
#>   4: ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid.txt  flask       AOA
#>   5: ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid.txt  flask       AOA
#>  ---                                                        
#> 226: ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid.txt  flask       AOA
#> 227: ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid.txt  flask       AOA
#> 228: ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid.txt  flask       AOA
#> 229: ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid.txt  flask       AOA
#> 230: ch4_aoa_aircraft-flask_19_allvalid.txt  flask       AOA
#>                                                   site_name site_country
#>                                                      <char>       <char>
#>   1: Aircraft Observation of Atmospheric trace gases by JMA        Japan
#>   2: Aircraft Observation of Atmospheric trace gases by JMA        Japan
#>   3: Aircraft Observation of Atmospheric trace gases by JMA        Japan
#>   4: Aircraft Observation of Atmospheric trace gases by JMA        Japan
#>   5: Aircraft Observation of Atmospheric trace gases by JMA        Japan
#>  ---                                                                    
#> 226: Aircraft Observation of Atmospheric trace gases by JMA        Japan
#> 227: Aircraft Observation of Atmospheric trace gases by JMA        Japan
#> 228: Aircraft Observation of Atmospheric trace gases by JMA        Japan
#> 229: Aircraft Observation of Atmospheric trace gases by JMA        Japan
#> 230: Aircraft Observation of Atmospheric trace gases by JMA        Japan
#>      site_elevation site_latitude site_longitude dataset_project lab_1_abbr
#>              <lgcl>        <char>         <char>          <char>     <char>
#>   1:             NA        -1e+34         -1e+34  aircraft-flask        JMA
#>   2:             NA        -1e+34         -1e+34  aircraft-flask        JMA
#>   3:             NA        -1e+34         -1e+34  aircraft-flask        JMA
#>   4:             NA        -1e+34         -1e+34  aircraft-flask        JMA
#>   5:             NA        -1e+34         -1e+34  aircraft-flask        JMA
#>  ---                                                                       
#> 226:             NA        -1e+34         -1e+34  aircraft-flask        JMA
#> 227:             NA        -1e+34         -1e+34  aircraft-flask        JMA
#> 228:             NA        -1e+34         -1e+34  aircraft-flask        JMA
#> 229:             NA        -1e+34         -1e+34  aircraft-flask        JMA
#> 230:             NA        -1e+34         -1e+34  aircraft-flask        JMA
#>      dataset_calibration_scale
#>                         <char>
#>   1:            WMO CH4 X2004A
#>   2:            WMO CH4 X2004A
#>   3:            WMO CH4 X2004A
#>   4:            WMO CH4 X2004A
#>   5:            WMO CH4 X2004A
#>  ---                          
#> 226:            WMO CH4 X2004A
#> 227:            WMO CH4 X2004A
#> 228:            WMO CH4 X2004A
#> 229:            WMO CH4 X2004A
#> 230:            WMO CH4 X2004A
#>                                                              altitude_comment
#>                                                                        <char>
#>   1: Altitude (in meters above sea level). See provider_comment if available.
#>   2: Altitude (in meters above sea level). See provider_comment if available.
#>   3: Altitude (in meters above sea level). See provider_comment if available.
#>   4: Altitude (in meters above sea level). See provider_comment if available.
#>   5: Altitude (in meters above sea level). See provider_comment if available.
#>  ---                                                                         
#> 226: Altitude (in meters above sea level). See provider_comment if available.
#> 227: Altitude (in meters above sea level). See provider_comment if available.
#> 228: Altitude (in meters above sea level). See provider_comment if available.
#> 229: Altitude (in meters above sea level). See provider_comment if available.
#> 230: Altitude (in meters above sea level). See provider_comment if available.
#>      site_utc2lst   agl type_altitude altitude_final    id
#>             <num> <num>         <num>          <num> <int>
#>   1:            9    NA             1           5800     1
#>   2:            9    NA             1           5800     1
#>   3:            9    NA             1           5800     1
#>   4:            9    NA             1           5800     1
#>   5:            9    NA             1           5800     1
#>  ---                                                      
#> 226:            9    NA             1           5800     1
#> 227:            9    NA             1           5800     1
#> 228:            9    NA             1           5800     1
#> 229:            9    NA             1           5800     1
#> 230:            9    NA             1           5800     1