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cate = c("aircraft-pfp",

obs <- "Z:/torf/obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v5.1_2023-03-08/data/nc/"
index <- obs_summary(obs = obs, 
                     categories = cate)
#> Number of files of index: 429
#>               sector     N
#>               <char> <int>
#>  1:     aircraft-pfp    40
#>  2:  aircraft-insitu    15
#>  3:    surface-flask   106
#>  4:   surface-insitu   174
#>  5:   aircraft-flask     4
#>  6:          aircore     1
#>  7:      surface-pfp    33
#>  8:     tower-insitu    51
#>  9:  shipboard-flask     4
#> 10: shipboard-insitu     1
#> 11:    Total sectors   429
#> Detected 190 files with agl
#> Detected 239 files without agl

Now we read the shipboard-flask using the function obs_read_nc. solar_time is included for surface, so we TRUE that argument.

datasetid <- "surface-flask"
df <- obs_read_nc(index = index,
                  categories = datasetid,
                  solar_time = TRUE,
                  verbose = TRUE)
#> Searching shipboard-flask...
#> 1:
#> 2:
#> 3:
#> 4:

Now we check the data

#>        year month   day  hour minute second       time start_time midpoint_time
#>       <int> <int> <int> <int>  <int>  <int>      <int>      <int>         <int>
#>    1:  2006     3    22    20     40      0 1143060000 1143060000    1143060000
#>    2:  2006     3    23    13      0      0 1143118800 1143118800    1143118800
#>    3:  2006     3    24     8     10      0 1143187800 1143187800    1143187800
#>    4:  2006     3    25    12     10      0 1143288600 1143288600    1143288600
#>    5:  2006     3    25    17     54      0 1143309240 1143309240    1143309240
#>   ---                                                                          
#> 8721:  2013     5    30    14     46      0 1369925160 1369925160    1369925160
#> 8722:  2013     5    31     0     14      0 1369959240 1369959240    1369959240
#> 8723:  2013     5    31    10      8      0 1369994880 1369994880    1369994880
#> 8724:  2013     6     1     4      2      0 1370059320 1370059320    1370059320
#> 8725:  2013     6     1    23     26      0 1370129160 1370129160    1370129160
#>                   datetime time_decimal time_interval        value value_unc
#>                     <char>        <num>         <int>        <num>     <num>
#>    1: 2006-03-22T20:40:00Z     2006.222          3600 1.724095e-06  2.05e-09
#>    2: 2006-03-23T13:00:00Z     2006.223          3600 1.711290e-06  2.05e-09
#>    3: 2006-03-24T08:10:00Z     2006.226          3600 1.711190e-06  2.05e-09
#>    4: 2006-03-25T12:10:00Z     2006.229          3600 1.709910e-06  2.05e-09
#>    5: 2006-03-25T17:54:00Z     2006.229          3600 1.710660e-06  2.05e-09
#>   ---                                                                       
#> 8721: 2013-05-30T14:46:00Z     2013.410          3600 1.803340e-06  9.10e-10
#> 8722: 2013-05-31T00:14:00Z     2013.411          3600 1.809640e-06  9.10e-10
#> 8723: 2013-05-31T10:08:00Z     2013.412          3600 1.846435e-06  9.10e-10
#> 8724: 2013-06-01T04:02:00Z     2013.414          3600 1.862995e-06  9.10e-10
#> 8725: 2013-06-01T23:26:00Z     2013.416          3600 1.865480e-06  9.10e-10
#>       nvalue value_std_dev latitude longitude altitude elevation intake_height
#>        <int>         <num>    <num>     <num>    <num>     <num>         <num>
#>    1:      2  1.251579e-09   -55.00    -64.91       10         0            10
#>    2:      2  1.612203e-09   -56.06    -64.60       10         0            10
#>    3:      2  1.979899e-09   -57.11    -64.25       10         0            10
#>    4:      2  3.917372e-09   -57.83    -64.01       10         0            10
#>    5:      2  1.103087e-09   -58.20    -63.88       10         0            10
#>   ---                                                                         
#> 8721:      2  2.404163e-10    15.01    144.52       10         0            10
#> 8722:      2  2.404163e-10    17.53    143.31       10         0            10
#> 8723:      2  4.030509e-10    20.09    142.05       10         0            10
#> 8724:      2  1.343503e-10    25.00    139.59       10         0            10
#> 8725:      2  9.333809e-10    30.11    136.91       10         0            10
#>       qcflag instrument   analysis_datetime method event_number
#>       <char>     <char>              <char> <char>       <char>
#>    1:    ...         H4 2006-04-20T11:00:00      N       215659
#>    2:    ...         H4 2006-04-20T13:10:00      N       215648
#>    3:    ...         H4 2006-04-20T14:50:00      N       215645
#>    4:    ...         H4 2006-04-20T15:19:00      N       215643
#>    5:    ...         H4 2006-04-20T12:27:00      N       215657
#>   ---                                                          
#> 8721:    ...        H11 2013-07-31T11:21:00      G       354983
#> 8722:    ...        H11 2013-07-30T10:12:00      G       354993
#> 8723:    ...        H11 2013-07-30T09:40:00      G       354995
#> 8724:    ...        H11 2013-07-30T09:24:00      G       354990
#> 8725:    ...        H11 2013-07-29T16:34:00      G       354992
#>       air_sample_container_id obs_flag obspack_num
#>                        <char>    <int>       <int>
#>    1:                 4114-99        1     1059927
#>    2:                 3943-99        1     1059928
#>    3:                 3356-99        1     1059929
#>    4:                 2962-99        1     1059930
#>    5:                 1248-99        1     1059931
#>   ---                                             
#> 8721:                 2783-99        1     1130189
#> 8722:                 1042-99        1     1130190
#> 8723:                 4167-99        1     1130191
#> 8724:                 3595-99        1     1130192
#> 8725:                 4080-99        1     1130193
#>                                                                                          obspack_id
#>                                                                                              <char>
#>    1: obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v5.1_2023-03-08~ch4_drp_shipboard-flask_1_representative~1059927
#>    2: obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v5.1_2023-03-08~ch4_drp_shipboard-flask_1_representative~1059928
#>    3: obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v5.1_2023-03-08~ch4_drp_shipboard-flask_1_representative~1059929
#>    4: obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v5.1_2023-03-08~ch4_drp_shipboard-flask_1_representative~1059930
#>    5: obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v5.1_2023-03-08~ch4_drp_shipboard-flask_1_representative~1059931
#>   ---                                                                                              
#> 8721: obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v5.1_2023-03-08~ch4_wpc_shipboard-flask_1_representative~1130189
#> 8722: obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v5.1_2023-03-08~ch4_wpc_shipboard-flask_1_representative~1130190
#> 8723: obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v5.1_2023-03-08~ch4_wpc_shipboard-flask_1_representative~1130191
#> 8724: obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v5.1_2023-03-08~ch4_wpc_shipboard-flask_1_representative~1130192
#> 8725: obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v5.1_2023-03-08~ch4_wpc_shipboard-flask_1_representative~1130193
#>       unique_sample_location_num year_st month_st day_st hour_st minute_st
#>                            <int>   <int>    <int>  <int>   <int>     <int>
#>    1:                    1047155    2006        3     22      16        13
#>    2:                    1047150    2006        3     23       8        34
#>    3:                    1047146    2006        3     24       3        46
#>    4:                    1047142    2006        3     25       7        47
#>    5:                    1047139    2006        3     25      13        32
#>   ---                                                                     
#> 8721:                   22039456    2013        5     31       0        26
#> 8722:                   22039471    2013        5     31       9        49
#> 8723:                   22039489    2013        5     31      19        38
#> 8724:                   22039499    2013        6      1      13        22
#> 8725:                   22039524    2013        6      2       8        36
#>       second_st          scale site_elevation_unit dataset_project
#>           <int>         <char>              <char>          <char>
#>    1:         7 WMO CH4 X2004A                masl shipboard-flask
#>    2:        41 WMO CH4 X2004A                masl shipboard-flask
#>    3:        24 WMO CH4 X2004A                masl shipboard-flask
#>    4:        40 WMO CH4 X2004A                masl shipboard-flask
#>    5:        11 WMO CH4 X2004A                masl shipboard-flask
#>   ---                                                             
#> 8721:        48 WMO CH4 X2004A                masl shipboard-flask
#> 8722:        48 WMO CH4 X2004A                masl shipboard-flask
#> 8723:        46 WMO CH4 X2004A                masl shipboard-flask
#> 8724:        47 WMO CH4 X2004A                masl shipboard-flask
#> 8725:         3 WMO CH4 X2004A                masl shipboard-flask
#>       dataset_selection_tag              site_name site_elevation site_latitude
#>                      <char>                 <char>          <num>         <num>
#>    1:        representative          Drake Passage              0      -5.9e+01
#>    2:        representative          Drake Passage              0      -5.9e+01
#>    3:        representative          Drake Passage              0      -5.9e+01
#>    4:        representative          Drake Passage              0      -5.9e+01
#>    5:        representative          Drake Passage              0      -5.9e+01
#>   ---                                                                          
#> 8721:        representative Western Pacific Cruise              0      -1.0e+34
#> 8722:        representative Western Pacific Cruise              0      -1.0e+34
#> 8723:        representative Western Pacific Cruise              0      -1.0e+34
#> 8724:        representative Western Pacific Cruise              0      -1.0e+34
#> 8725:        representative Western Pacific Cruise              0      -1.0e+34
#>       site_longitude site_country site_code site_utc2lst lab_1_abbr
#>                <num>       <char>    <char>        <num>     <char>
#>    1:     -6.469e+01          N/A       DRP           -4       NOAA
#>    2:     -6.469e+01          N/A       DRP           -4       NOAA
#>    3:     -6.469e+01          N/A       DRP           -4       NOAA
#>    4:     -6.469e+01          N/A       DRP           -4       NOAA
#>    5:     -6.469e+01          N/A       DRP           -4       NOAA
#>   ---                                                              
#> 8721:     -1.000e+34          N/A       WPC           NA       NOAA
#> 8722:     -1.000e+34          N/A       WPC           NA       NOAA
#> 8723:     -1.000e+34          N/A       WPC           NA       NOAA
#> 8724:     -1.000e+34          N/A       WPC           NA       NOAA
#> 8725:     -1.000e+34          N/A       WPC           NA       NOAA
#>       dataset_calibration_scale altitude_final type_altitude
#>                          <char>          <num>        <lgcl>
#>    1:            WMO CH4 X2004A             10            NA
#>    2:            WMO CH4 X2004A             10            NA
#>    3:            WMO CH4 X2004A             10            NA
#>    4:            WMO CH4 X2004A             10            NA
#>    5:            WMO CH4 X2004A             10            NA
#>   ---                                                       
#> 8721:            WMO CH4 X2004A             10            NA
#> 8722:            WMO CH4 X2004A             10            NA
#> 8723:            WMO CH4 X2004A             10            NA
#> 8724:            WMO CH4 X2004A             10            NA
#> 8725:            WMO CH4 X2004A             10            NA

Now we can process the data. We first filter for observations within our spatial domain:

Checks and definitions

yy <- 2020
evening <- 14

We check altitude, intake_height, altitude_final and elevation. altitude_final is a column from intake_height, added to match column from obs_read text files.

df[, c("altitude", "altitude_final", "intake_height", "elevation",
#>       altitude altitude_final intake_height elevation dataset_selection_tag
#>          <num>          <num>         <num>     <num>                <char>
#>    1:       10             10            10         0        representative
#>    2:       10             10            10         0        representative
#>    3:       10             10            10         0        representative
#>    4:       10             10            10         0        representative
#>    5:       10             10            10         0        representative
#>   ---                                                                      
#> 8721:       10             10            10         0        representative
#> 8722:       10             10            10         0        representative
#> 8723:       10             10            10         0        representative
#> 8724:       10             10            10         0        representative
#> 8725:       10             10            10         0        representative
#>                    site_name
#>                       <char>
#>    1:          Drake Passage
#>    2:          Drake Passage
#>    3:          Drake Passage
#>    4:          Drake Passage
#>    5:          Drake Passage
#>   ---                       
#> 8721: Western Pacific Cruise
#> 8722: Western Pacific Cruise
#> 8723: Western Pacific Cruise
#> 8724: Western Pacific Cruise
#> 8725: Western Pacific Cruise

The temporal range of data is

#> [1] 1986 2021

We also check for dimensions of data

#> [1] 8725   52


df <- df[year == yy]
#> [1]  8 52

Towers can have observations at different heights. Here we need to select one site with the observations registered at the highest height. The column with the height is named altitude_final and the max altitude was named max_altitude.

dfa <- df[,
          by = site_code] |> unique()

names(dfa)[2] <- "max_altitude"
#>    site_code max_altitude
#>       <char>        <num>
#> 1:       DRP           10

Key Time

Here we need to start time columns. The function obs_addtime adds time columns timeUTC, timeUTC_start which shows the start time of each observation and timeUTC_end which shows the end time for each observation.

df2 <- obs_addtime(df)
#> Adding timeUTC
#> Adding timeUTC_start
#> Adding timeUTC_end
#> Found time_interval

Then we need a key_time to aggregate data. This can be done using UTC, solar, or local time. The normal approach is using afternoon solar or local time.

Hierarchy of solar or local time

  1. Solar time
  2. Local time with columns site_utc2lst
  3. Local time longitude

solar time (default)

Here we select the hours of interest and then aggregate data by year, month and day of solar time. In this way, we will have one information per day. however this approach is not appropriate for aircraft which are aggregated every 10 or 20 seconds. Hence we need to aggregate data by one time column. Also, this helps to generate the receptor info files including hour, minute and second. Hence, we need to add solar or local time column.

df2$solar_time <- obs_addstime(df2)

local time with column site_utc2lst

Then we need to identify the local time with the function add_ltime. This is important because to identifying observations in the evening in local time. add_ltime uses two methods, first identify the time difference with utc by identifying the metadata column “site_utc2lst”. If solar time is not available #now we need to cut solar time for the frequency needed. As we will work with

local time longitude

If this information is not available, with the aircrafts for instance, the local time is calculated with an approximation based on longitude:

lt=UTC+longitude/15*60*60 lt = UTC + longitude/15 * 60 * 60 Where ltlt is the local time, UTCUTC the time, longitudelongitude the coordinate. Then, the time is cut every two hours. Now, we identify the local time to select evening hours.

Cut time

Now we have they key column time, we can cut it accordingly.

df2$solar_time_cut <- cut(x = df2$solar_time,
                          breaks = "1 hour") |>

How we can check the solar time and the cut solar time. Please note that solar_time_cut, the column that it will be used to aggregate data

How we filter for the required solar time, in this case 14.

df3 <- df2
df3[, c("solar_time", "solar_time_cut")]
#>             solar_time      solar_time_cut
#>                 <POSc>              <char>
#> 1: 2020-01-01 15:15:55 2020-01-01 15:00:00
#> 2: 2020-02-09 20:49:04 2020-02-09 20:00:00
#> 3: 2020-02-18 22:09:41 2020-02-18 22:00:00
#> 4: 2020-03-18 15:56:42 2020-03-18 15:00:00
#> 5: 2020-06-07 17:50:25 2020-06-07 17:00:00
#> 6: 2020-06-19 03:58:54 2020-06-19 03:00:00
#> 7: 2020-12-01 07:08:23 2020-12-01 07:00:00
#> 8: 2020-12-27 03:03:01 2020-12-27 03:00:00

At this point we can calculate the averages of several columns by the cut time. The function obs_agg does this aggregation as shown in the following lines of code. The argument gby establish the function used to aggregate cols. I need to aggregate the data by date (year, month, date), because it is already filtered by the hours of interest. Then, I would have 1 observation per day.

As standard, let us define key_time as solar_time. The obs_agg function will aggregate the desired data by that column.

df3$key_time <- df3$solar_time_cut
df4 <- obs_agg(dt = df3,
               cols = c("value",
               verbose = T,
               byalt = TRUE)
#> Selecting by alt
#> Adding time

Here we add the column max_altitude to identify the max altitude by site.

    max_altitude := max(altitude_final),
    by = site_code]
      "max_altitude")] |> unique()
#>    site_code altitude_final max_altitude
#>       <char>          <num>        <num>
#> 1:       DRP             10           10


Before generating the receptors list, we have the database with all the required information

master <- df4

We may replace missing values with a nine nines. Here is commented

#master[] <- 999999999

We transform the time variables to character and round coordinates with 4 digits

master$timeUTC <- as.character(master$timeUTC)
master$local_time <- as.character(master$local_time)
master$latitude <- round(master$latitude, 4)
master$longitude <- round(master$longitude, 4)

Save master

Finally we save the master file

out <- tempfile()


message(paste0(out,"_", datasetid, ".txt\n"))
       paste0(out,"_", datasetid, ".txt"),
       sep = " ")
#> C:\Users\sibarrae\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpMzbU8P\file5e287aa53d25_shipboard-flask.txt


message(paste0(out,"_", datasetid, ".csv\n"))
       paste0(out,"_", datasetid, ".csv"),
       sep = ",")
#> C:\Users\sibarrae\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpMzbU8P\file5e287aa53d25_shipboard-flask.csv


CSVY are csv files with a YAML header to include metadata in tabulated text files

cat("\nAdding notes in csvy:\n")
notes <- c(paste0("sector: ", datasetid),
           paste0("timespan: ", yy),
           paste0("hours: ", evening),
           "local_time: used solar_time")

cat(notes, sep = "\n")

message(paste0(out,"_", datasetid, ".csvy\n"))
obs_write_csvy(dt = master,
               notes = notes,
               out = paste0(out,"_", datasetid, ".csvy"))
#> Adding notes in csvy:
#> sector: surface-insitu
#> timespan: 2020
#> spatial_limits: north = 80, south = 10, east = -50, west = -170
#> data: Data averaged every 20 seconds
#> altitude: < 8000
#> hours: 14
#> local_time: used solar_time
#> C:\Users\sibarrae\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpSMAWpf\file9558428068b2_surface-flask.csvy
obs_read_csvy(paste0(out,"_", datasetid, ".csvy"))
#>  [1] "---"                                                             
#>  [2] "name: Metadata "                                                 
#>  [3] "sector: shipboard-flask"                                         
#>  [4] "timespan: 2020"                                                  
#>  [5] "hours: 14"                                                       
#>  [6] "local_time: used solar_time"                                     
#>  [7] "structure: "                                                     
#>  [8] "Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame':\t8 obs. of  20 variables:"
#>  [9] " $ timeUTC                  : chr  \"2020-01-01 15:00:00\" \".." 
#> [10] " $ site_code                : chr  \"DRP\" \"DRP\" ..."          
#> [11] " $ altitude_final           : num  10 10 10 10 10 ..."           
#> [12] " $ type_altitude            : logi  NA NA NA ..."                
#> [13] " $ lab_1_abbr               : chr  \"NOAA\" \"NOAA\" ..."        
#> [14] " $ dataset_calibration_scale: chr  \"WMO CH4 X2004A\" \"WMO \".."
#> [15] " $ value                    : num  1.81e-06 1.81e-06 ..."        
#> [16] " $ latitude                 : num  -59 -59 ..."                  
#> [17] " $ longitude                : num  -63.7 -63.7 ..."              
#> [18] " $ site_utc2lst             : num  -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 ..."           
#> [19] " $ year                     : int  2020 2020 2020 2020 202.."    
#> [20] " $ month                    : int  1 2 2 3 6 ..."                
#> [21] " $ day                      : chr  \"01\" \"09\" ..."            
#> [22] " $ hour                     : int  15 20 22 15 17 ..."           
#> [23] " $ minute                   : int  0 0 0 0 0 ..."                
#> [24] " $ second                   : int  0 0 0 0 0 ..."                
#> [25] " $ time                     : num  1.58e+09 1.58e+09 ..."        
#> [26] " $ time_decimal             : num  2020 2020 ..."                
#> [27] " $ max_altitude             : num  10 10 10 10 10 ..."           
#> [28] " $ local_time               : chr  NA NA ..."                    
#> [29] " - attr(*, \".internal.selfref\")=<externalptr> "                
#> [30] "NULL"                                                            
#> [31] "---"
#>                timeUTC site_code altitude_final type_altitude lab_1_abbr
#>                 <POSc>    <char>          <int>        <lgcl>     <char>
#> 1: 2020-01-01 15:00:00       DRP             10            NA       NOAA
#> 2: 2020-02-09 20:00:00       DRP             10            NA       NOAA
#> 3: 2020-02-18 22:00:00       DRP             10            NA       NOAA
#> 4: 2020-03-18 15:00:00       DRP             10            NA       NOAA
#> 5: 2020-06-07 17:00:00       DRP             10            NA       NOAA
#> 6: 2020-06-19 03:00:00       DRP             10            NA       NOAA
#> 7: 2020-12-01 07:00:00       DRP             10            NA       NOAA
#> 8: 2020-12-27 03:00:00       DRP             10            NA       NOAA
#>    dataset_calibration_scale        value latitude longitude site_utc2lst  year
#>                       <char>        <num>    <num>     <num>        <int> <int>
#> 1:            WMO CH4 X2004A 1.810345e-06 -59.0000  -63.6833           -4  2020
#> 2:            WMO CH4 X2004A 1.805695e-06 -58.9833  -63.6833           -4  2020
#> 3:            WMO CH4 X2004A 1.804080e-06 -59.0167  -62.8167           -4  2020
#> 4:            WMO CH4 X2004A 1.803575e-06 -58.9500  -64.2667           -4  2020
#> 5:            WMO CH4 X2004A 1.821020e-06 -58.9500  -68.2167           -4  2020
#> 6:            WMO CH4 X2004A 1.824280e-06 -58.9833  -64.9667           -4  2020
#> 7:            WMO CH4 X2004A 1.833670e-06 -59.0050  -67.7335           -4  2020
#> 8:            WMO CH4 X2004A 1.825290e-06 -58.9750  -63.7260           -4  2020
#>    month   day  hour minute second       time time_decimal max_altitude
#>    <int> <int> <int>  <int>  <int>      <int>        <num>        <int>
#> 1:     1     1    15      0      0 1577890800     2020.002           10
#> 2:     2     9    20      0      0 1581278400     2020.109           10
#> 3:     2    18    22      0      0 1582063200     2020.134           10
#> 4:     3    18    15      0      0 1584543600     2020.212           10
#> 5:     6     7    17      0      0 1591549200     2020.434           10
#> 6:     6    19     3      0      0 1592535600     2020.465           10
#> 7:    12     1     7      0      0 1606806000     2020.916           10
#> 8:    12    27     3      0      0 1609038000     2020.987           10
#>    local_time
#>        <lgcl>
#> 1:         NA
#> 2:         NA
#> 3:         NA
#> 4:         NA
#> 5:         NA
#> 6:         NA
#> 7:         NA
#> 8:         NA


Now we can do the last step which is generating the receptor list files. Now we filter selected columns

receptor <- master[, c("site_code",

We can round altitude also

receptor$altitude_final <- round(receptor$altitude_final)

Now we can format time variables with two digits

receptor <- obs_format(receptor,
                        spf =  c("month", "day",
                                 "hour", "minute", "second"))

We have a column that indicate AGL or ASL

receptor_agl <- receptor[type_altitude == 0]
receptor_asl <- receptor[type_altitude == 1]

Finally, we save the receptors

if(nrow(receptor_agl) > 0) {
  message(paste0(out, "_", datasetid, "_receptor_AGL.txt"), "\n")

  fwrite(x = receptor_agl,
         file = paste0(out, "_", datasetid, "_receptor_AGL.txt"),
         sep = " ")

if(nrow(receptor_asl) > 0) {
  message(paste0(out, "_", datasetid, "_receptor_ASL.txt"), "\n")

  fwrite(x = receptor_asl,
         file = paste0(out, "_", datasetid, "receptor_ASL.txt"),
         sep = " ")



Finally, we just plot some data, run it locally

obs_plot(df4, time = "timeUTC", yfactor = 1e9)
#> Found the following sites: 
#> [1] DRP
#> Plotting the following sites: 
#> [1] DRP
#> png 
#>   2
Time series
Time series
dx <- df4[, 
    lapply(.SD, mean),
    .SDcols = "value",
    by = .(latitude, longitude)]
x <- st_as_sf(dx, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = 4326)
plot(x["value"], axes = T, reset = F)
maps::map(add = T)
